The transition to pre-school and big school years! This can be a very exciting time for little ones as they start their journey into education.
This can also be a very turbulent time for both child and parent or carer with experiences of persistent or worsening separation anxieties.
We understand that our little ones’ adjustment to a new setting can sometimes be a difficult time, particularly as they begin to learn to adapt to school noise, social bustle, lights, uniforms and learning.
This can all begin to impact on stress levels for both child and parent or carer. Emotional stability may seem to have become a roller coaster!
Many pre-schools and schools have their own transition help and support in place that perfectly attends transition needs such as that described above. There are also many community based services that provide information, free support, and various courses to parent and carers. You can usually find out what’s available to ease your concerns or increase your knowledge by talking to your child’s teacher, health visitor or Doctor. Searching the internet for your nearest Children’s Centre may also connect you with information on available free support.
Please feel free to explore our Resource page. We hope there is some ideas, information or service that is helpful to you deciding what to do next.
Your plan. Your decision.
The Normal Magic team are here as a mental health service to provide you with an opportunity to explore your concerns, share your observations, consider collaboratively what might be helpful and identify possible next steps. We will be honest with what interventions we can offer you. We have a range of transformation approaches including: Single Session Therapy; group programmes; workshops; family, 1:1 or adult and child regular commitment sessions.
Below are the type of interventions that we offer, they range between £20 and £60 per session:
- Understanding and Responding to Anxiety in Children
- Understanding and Responding to Low Mood in Children
- Normal Magic: Mentally Healthy Children
- Nutrition and Mental Health
- Using our Wonderful Senses to Balance our Mental Health
- Enjoying how to Play at any age
Your next steps do not need to be with us. This is your world. Your plan. Your decision. We hold no judgement.
If you are concerned about your child’s mental health for any reason and you are not getting the answers or support you need from the routes described above, please feel comfortable booking a Personal Wellbeing Conversation with us. We are here to listen, share our knowledge and our experience and explore opportunities with you.
What is a personal wellbeing conversation? Click here.
To book a telephone or zoom Personal Wellbeing Conversation with us, please click here.
If you have a further enquiry before you decide, please click here.