Personal Wellbeing Conversation.
You can now book directly into our diary.
We are able to consider with you the mental health needs across the ages of 0-18 only.
Our Personal Wellbeing Conversations are available without a need for a referral, no matter how big or how small you think your mental health concerns might be. There are some questions in the booking process that will help us have an idea of your concerns and hope from the Personal Wellbeing Conversation.
Once booked you will receive an email to confirm your booking along with a questionnaire and some tips to make the best use of your time with us. You do not have to follow the tips! They are just there to make sure every minute is used as effectively and as efficiently as possible.
We are happy to hold a Personal Wellbeing Conversation with you as parent or carer on your own or with your child or young person present. Sometimes young people would prefer to chat without their parent or carer present. If this is the case for you we can talk about this when we first connect in the appointment and make sure we have a clear, safe and agreed plan. We are no longer providing outcome letters automatically. This helps keep costs a little lower. The cost of this appointment includes clinician pre appointment preparation, referral reading and time after the appointment to update your health records with us.
Our prices for a 1 hour telephone or zoom Personal Wellbeing Conversation are:
- Monday to Friday between 8am and 4pm: £100.00
- Monday to Friday between 5pm and 9pm: £110.00
To book your Personal Wellbeing Conversation, please email us at
If you are still not sure and have questions please feel free to ask us here.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Please remember, we are an early intervention and prevention service. If you are concerned for the immediate mental health and safety of your child or young person please urgently ring the NHS 111 number, your GP or your local Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Crisis Line. This includes if your child or young person is experiencing suicidal thoughts or has significantly self harmed or is unusually behaving in a way that is likely to affect the safety of themselves or others.
Parent and Carer Workshop Booking
We are currently updating the content of our Parents and Carers workshops.