Our mission statement for families:
Our work has been, and continues to be diverse. We are passionate about developing and delivering early intervention and prevention mental health services. We aim to provide guidance and support to parents, carers, children and young people who may be needing to access private mental health care for a variety of reasons.
We are bringing initial Personal Wellbeing Conversations to parents and carers of 0-18 year olds. We may be able to offer additional direct interventions to support children and young people’s recovery from emerging mental health problems.
Our mission is to keep the voice of parents, carers, children and young people heard, valued and respected and at the heart of every plan of care.
We invite you to explore our offer to you, click here.
Our mission statement for professionals:
Our own health profession training, clinical knowledge, our extensive clinical backgrounds and training experience, alongside our abundance of energy, allows us to confidently deliver training and workshops. We invite you to explore our CPD Accredited ‘Normal Magic Mental Health’ Training; CPD Accredited ‘Normal Magic Mental Health Strategy for the Workplace’ Training as well as Normal Magic Mentally Healthy Living Workshops for all.
Our mission here is to provide professionals in business, across education, health, social care, community services, public services, social clubs and sport clubs with effective and efficient mental health training and workshops.
Whilst we are precious about the Normal Magic standards, reputation and outcomes, we are also more than happy to share some of our programme, its packages and resources for you to use with the added shine that you and your team will no doubt bring. If you would like to explore the possibilities of becoming a Normal Magic Trainer by Choice we welcome your enquiry.
We invite you to explore our offer to you, click here.
Our mission statement for Senior Mental Health Leads:
2022 welcomes an opportunity for ongoing development of the Whole School Approach Mental Health Strategy. Our expert knowledge and extensive experience delivering mental health training and support to schools means the COVID 19 drive to dedicate time and money to improving the mental health strategy in schools, is right up our street!
Our mission is to provide specific Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Accredited Mental Health Strategy Training for your schools Designated Senior Mental Health Lead. In line with the current drive for schools to access additional government funds to develop their School Mental Health Strategy, we offer a range of packages to achieve this ambition. This is available in an affordable tiered approach depending on individual school and Designated Senior Mental Health Lead needs and aspirations. Please click here to find out more.
Many schools have received their extra £1200 dedicated to implementing their Whole School Approach Mental Health Strategy. If you have not yet applied for your schools funding, there may still be an opportunity to do so. Please see this link for further details.
If you have received your funding we invite you to explore our offer to you click here.
Our mission statement to our fast growing team.
We love that we are all incredibly passionate about delivering services to be proud of. Services that are experienced as effective, valued, clear, collaborative and life enhancing. Not only are our customers incredibly important to us, our staff team is incredibly important to us too.
Our mission here is clear. We value our team diversity, strengths, expertise and professional experience. We love seeing the Normal Magic team thrive and flourish with an embedded professional culture centered around family, nurture, friendship, kindness, humor, creativity, connectivity, voice, thinking outside the box, pride, learning, trust, transparency, courage, respect and resolution. Our mission will remain with humanity at the heart.
Our mission is our whole team mission.
Our service culture and leadership style is not for everyone, we know that! We are inspired by the life changing Sidney Dekker, the endlessly inspirational Bob Chapman and the insights of Xander and Xander. Their validation of the human approach reassures our approach and our care of this developing service. We work closely with our Human Resources service to ensure our entire employment and service structure is underpinned with law, responsibility and our cultural aspirations. The following links bring to life the brilliance of Sidney Dekker and Bob Chapman. If you are interested in working with us, we invite you to pop the kettle on, open the biscuit barrel and settle down to a worthwhile watch:
After watching the links and you are still interested in working with us, we very much welcome your contact.
Our Whole System Mindset Mission
We love that we are all incredibly passionate about delivering services to be proud of. Services that are experienced as effective, valued, clear, collaborative and life enhancing. Not only are our customers incredibly important to us, our staff team is incredibly important to us too.
Our mission here is clear. We value our team diversity, strengths, expertise and professional experience. We love seeing the Normal Magic team thrive and flourish with an embedded professional culture centered around family, nurture, friendship, kindness, humor, creativity, connectivity, voice, thinking outside the box, pride, learning, trust, transparency, courage, respect and resolution. Our mission will remain with humanity at the heart.
Our mission is our whole team mission.
Our service culture and leadership style is not for everyone, we know that! We are inspired by the life changing Sidney Dekker, the endlessly inspirational Bob Chapman and the insights of Xander and Xander. Their validation of the human approach reassures our approach and our care of this developing service. We work closely with our Human Resources service to ensure our entire employment and service structure is underpinned with law, responsibility and our cultural aspirations. The following links bring to life the brilliance of Sidney Dekker and Bob Chapman. If you are interested in working with us, we invite you to pop the kettle on, open the biscuit barrel and settle down to a worthwhile watch:
After watching the links and you are still interested in working with us, we very much welcome your contact.