We welcome you to our Workshop Page.
We recognise that as adults we are rarely with an opportunity to truly learn and understand the mental health needs of our young. This gap in our access to learning seems even more present when our young experience mental health challenges in life that we so desperately want to attend.
Our workshops are designed to bring science, biology, research and experience to you in your role as parent or carer. We want to shine a new light on how the very simplest of ‘things we can do’ actually make all the difference to feeling confident and capable of being alongside our young as they work out their world and find their emotional stability.
All of our workshops are contributed to by some of the most inspiring parents, children and young people we have met. Our workshops are collaboratively created by the Normal Magic team of inspiring and knowledgeable doctors, clinicians, therapists, teachers and psychologists. An abundance of scientific information, recovery stories and gentle strategies that we aim to share with you in a relaxed, clear and sociable manner.
Due to this new world of living with COVID we are running our workshops virtually until further notice. This is great news to UK parents and carers from wide and far…we welcome you! Our workshop offer to you:
Normal Magic: Mentally healthy living
Normal Magic: a framework to ‘mentally healthy living’ .. a workshop for parents and carers.
We often find ourselves as parents easily caught up in the mental health and wellbeing challenges of our young. This of course happens easily, simply because our young are our responsibility. Their challenges can leave our own hearts hurting and our minds busy with thoughts fuelled by worry, guilt, fear and frustration. Our thoughts and feelings can often muddy our responses and our good intent to nurture can at times quickly become a mighty crash. Sometimes this can lead to negative cycles of trying to ‘get it right’ but seeming like we are ‘getting it wrong.’
At Normal Magic we explore the norms of caring for our young. We use an honest approach to consider how we are affected and how we are being. We utilise science, biology and research to shine a light on the confusing world of mental health and then step back with you to consider how on earth we navigate the recovery and resilience needs of ourselves and our young.
Our aim in this workshop is to bring a space to stop, to breathe, to explore, to calm, to be proud, to consider other views, other ways. You may not take anything from this workshop! You may take reassurance that you are being your best right now. You may find it inspiring and positively life changing.
We offer you reassurance that this workshop is not a space to share details of your personal story, you will not be asked personal information, we do not need to know anything about you or your young. You will not be ‘put on the spot.’ We invite your presence with an open mind, a cuppa and a friendly smile!
This workshop uses the Normal Magic formula to explore ourselves and our parent and carers roles:
Normal! What does this even mean? When we refer to Normal in Normal Magic we are referring to what Normal might be for us individually, as a family, as a culture, as a neighbourhood. It is not used to measure or benchmark against an imposed Normal. In this workshop we look at how we find our Normal and consider how we live with, and love the diversity and uniqueness of others Norms. We discuss how our Norms fluctuate, how we become emotionally out of sorts, mentally unwell and acknowledge our own survival needs. Thereafter comes the introduction to MAGIC:
M = ME: how are we Being and communicating that Being in our role as parent or carer.
A = Active: how are we listening and how do we know when to listen in an effective and helpful way
G = Generate: how can we empower our young to explore their own stabilising and balancing solutions.
I = Inspire: how do we as parents and carers nurture confidence and resilience in our young and expand their internal catalogues of self help
C = Compliment: using the positive psychological feedback loop to name and frame the help seeking journey we observe from our young to promote their ever important help and resolution seeking behaviours.
Thank you for checking out our Normal Magic Workshop. This workshop is for parents and carers only. You will need a quiet and uninterrupted space to access this workshop. We ask you to commit to the whole 2 hours.
The cost: £15-20
To book your place on our next workshop please click here.
If you would like to be alerted to new dates for this workshop please register here.
Normal Magic: Tuning in to our unique sensory ways
Coming soon: if you would like to be alerted to this workshops arrival please register here.